Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Series: Weight Loss Wednesday

In an attempt to change my recent unhealthy habits, I present to you a new series: Weight Loss Wednesday! In the past six months or so, I haven't been taking care of my body, and believe me, it shows. What once was a daily fitness routine and a proper diet has now become a daily struggle to get myself moving. I can find plenty of excuses: an exhausting job, a growing social calender, etc, but the truth is, I was just plain lazy! All I wanted was to lounge in bed instead of putting on those sneakers and breaking a sweat. Not only did my body suffer but also my state of mind. I started to feel tired throughout the day, and had trouble sleeping, and overall felt unhappy. I wanted to change but didn't know how to get myself moving. I read fitness blogs and magazines like Self (one of my favorites!), prepped myself for the day ahead, but the minute stress kicked in I forgot all about it. I would start the day great but temptation exists throughout my job and seems unavoidable; it requires a lot of strength and discipline to say no- discipline that apparently I didn't have. Well that's about to change my friends! Every Wednesday, I will update you in how my fitness routine is going, from my food choices to exercise routines and the struggles that come with that. I'm hoping that having people accountable to my choices will lead to better decisions during the day.

Getting myself out and going is already half the battle for me. Once I'm out on the go I have no problem working out. I'm currently enjoying the process of discovering new fitness regimes and deciding which one works for me. I've realized that in order to get the best results it is best to vary your workouts daily. I would recommend changing it up each day, from cardio, to strength straining or yoga. It's important to keep challenging your body. If you stick to one workout routine for a long period of time your body will get used to it and you won't see as much of a change in the long run.

Yesterday I finally got to try a new workout with my friend and I have to say I'm in love! Hot yoga sounded dreadful to me (I mean, who likes to work out in hot temperatures, anyway?), but this class given me something I haven't had in a long time: peace. Don't get me wrong, it's a vigorous workout and you sweat like a pig (in one class you can lose around 900 calories!), but I have never felt so proud of myself after a workout (besides hiking in the Grand Canyon, perhaps). The class put me at ease and while I felt like jelly by the end I also had a big smile on my face. For an hour and a half, nothing else mattered. I didn't want to leave... By the end of the class I felt like my body had released all the toxins and I was a new woman. My mind was clearer and I was ready to face the day ahead despite being mad tired. I think the class kept me more relaxed than I would've otherwise been in my stressful job. At the end of the day I secretly wished I could do it again (if only for a bit) to cleanse my body and mind.

My body is super achy but in a good way. I feel as if I worked muscles I didn't know existed before. Since I signed up for a new student unlimited two weeks plan I was planning to go again today, but it didn't work out last minute because I had an appointment during the same time. I'm going to try my hardest to stick to this routine. If my week could consist of long walks, cardio and yoga I would be very pleased for now.

I would highly recommend everyone to try a hot yoga class. A workout that's good for the body, mind, and soul? Keep it coming!

Have you tried hot yoga before? What did you think? What is your favorite fitness routine? I would love to hear all of your thoughts and suggestions.



Image source:

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