Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Weight Loss Wednesday Update

I know, I know! I've been bad. It's been a week since my last post and believe me- I feel guilty! I think about posting every day, but there simply isn't enough time! Celebrated a family member's birthday last weekend, plus I had a makeup job, which I promise I'll post about. Work has been leaving me physically and mentally drained; it seems that all I want to do after work and exercise is pass out in bed for eternity. I also haven't been feeling well, but I'm happy to say that (I think) I'm better. So expect some fun posts soon.

That aside, it's time for our weekly weigh loss update! As we speak, I am sitting in my bed suffering from the aftermath of a boot camp class I took with my friend. The class was yesterday, but it feels as if I'd be in pain for a long while. This is the first time I've ever done boot camp style exercise in a long, long time. And boy, this made me feel out of shape! The class was lead by a muscular guy that wouldn't take no for an answer. By minute five I was almost in tears. We were instructed to perform a bunch of exercise routines involving variations of the usual; jumping jacks, squats, push ups, sit ups, and so forth. What made this different was that the class really stressed speed. It all had to be completed and fast. When each person would slow down, he would come and shout that we need to speed up and keep going. I felt like I had Jillian Michaels as my trainer, except mine was kind of laughing at me. The other factor that made this class difficult is the number of times each move was repeated. It might be difficult at first, but let me tell you, it is vicious when it is in the hundreds. The cramps kick in, and you can't breathe. My respect for The Biggest Loser participants just grows and grows...

I didn't think I'd survive, but somehow I did. We completed the last fifteen minutes in pairs, which was much nicer since we could encourage each other and laugh together, while the others were focused on their routines. By the end I felt like jelly. I'm so glad I didn't quit, even though I was so tempted to do so. I will say, however, that I want to find a different workout that will be right for me. Since my friend and I were in such pain, we decided to postpone our morning workout to the next day. So I took a walk instead. We are going to hot yoga again, which will be interesting... to say the least. I hope that my body won't be as sore...

I weighed myself in the beginning of the week and I lost 3 Ibs! I'm very happy, though I feel like I managed to damage the success with food this week. I'd weigh myself now, but a family friend borrowed the scale to weigh her luggage for a flight. I'm struggling to find food options that work for me. I live in a very limited space where lots of cooking isn't much of an option. I try to eat at least one salad a day, and sometimes I manage to eat two. I find that if I work mornings, my eating habits are a little different than afternoon-only days. I'm awake for more hours, and the lack of sleep adds to my need to munch. Most of the times I have control over it, but once in a while I don't, and I feel guilty about it. Lately I've been taking fruit, veggies, dried fruit, and health bars to snack on. It's a constant struggle because sometimes a piece of fruit doesn't satisfy me and I'm tempted to grab what my students at the preschool are eating. It's something I've been working on for the last month and I mostly just avoid the unhealthy snacks.

I have so much more I want to talk about, but it will have to wait for another time! I hope all is well with you, and that my obstacles and progress are and will be an inspiration to some of you. I sure can relate to other bloggers who go through the time process of relearning food habits and introducing more exercise into their lives. It might just be the beginning but I'm in full force and I don't intend on quitting.



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